By Sainsbury's Kitchen foil 10mX300mm
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By Sainsbury's Kitchen foil 10mX300mm
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Country of Origin
Produced in China, Packed in China
How to use:
1) Find the end of the roll and push in the tabs located at either end of the
box to secure the roll in place (picture of cardboard carton with arrows
pointing to push in tabs)
2) Pull out the Foil to required length (picture of a cardboard carton with
sheet being pulled out - with arrow indicating direction)
3) Tear the sheet off using the serrated edge. Always store the roll in the
box. (picture of a cardboard carton with sheet tearing sing the box edge -
arrow indicating direction)
We are happy to replace this item if it is not satisfactory
Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd.
33 Holborn, London EC1N 2HT
Customer services 0800 636262