- Hamster silent running wheel to prevent chewingMONTEREY ROSE & FLOWER INSECT SPRAY

Title Pint

Rapid knockdown and kill of insects on ornamentals, plants, shrubs and vines


For use on ornamental plants, shrubs, vines

  • Provides rapid knockdown & kill
  • Provides effective residual insect control

Kills the following plant insects: Aphids, armyworms, asparagus beetles, boxelder bugs, cabbage loopers, cankerworms, caterpillars, chewing insects, colorado potato beetles, corn ear worms, cucumber beetles, cutworms, diamondback moths, eastern tent caterpillars, flea beetles, gypsy moths (adult and larvae), inchworms, japanese beetles, lace bugs, leaf miners, leaf beetles, leafhoppers, leafrollers, leaftiers, mealy bugs, mexican bean beetles, mites, oleander caterpillars, psyllids, red spider mites, rose chafers, soft brown scales, southern army worms, spider mites, spotted mites, stink bugs, tarnished plant bugs, tomato fruit worms, tomato pin worms, two-spotted mites, tent caterpillars, thrips, whiteflies.

NOTE: When spraying, hold can 24–36 inches from plant

IMPORTANT: Not for use on edible crops